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What is Blogging ?

What is Blogging ?

How to Earn from blogging in 2025

What is blogging ? How do you blog, and how are people earning lakhs of rupees every month from blogging? You can too. What’s the proper way to do it? Let me explain...

Basically, blogging means writing articles about any topic. Got it?  If you start writing about any topic, we say you’ve written a blog post. Okay?  If you’re doing it properly, you’re blogging.  Now, this is simple language.  What happens is that we create a website, alright?  In blogging, we select a niche and then a topic within that niche and write articles on it.  It’s the same as creating a YouTube channel and uploading videos on a specific topic. Here, we’re uploading videos; in blogging, we’re just writing articles.


What are the elements of blogging? Let me explain.  When you create a website, what do you need? You need a domain and hosting. What are these? Let me explain.  A domain is what you see in URLs, like, right? Or  The URL, the name of the website, is called the domain.  I’ll explain it in simple terms, so, Inshallah, you’ll understand, and you’ll be able to work on it.  What’s the second thing?  It’s hosting. What’s hosting?  When you have a mobile phone, you know that your mobile has so many GBs of storage. What’s your mobile’s storage or ROM?  The other person says it’s 64 GB or 128 GB, right?  What do we call that?  Mobile storage.  If we talk about website storage, it’s called hosting.  It means how much data can be saved on the website?  How many articles can you write on your website?  How many MBs or GBs? We call that hosting. Okay?  That’s domain and hosting.  You need them for a website.  How do you create a website?  You can create a website in two ways: paid and free.  But you know, the paid method means Google will support your website, right? Google ranks it higher.  You can earn more from it. The free method is not Google’s, but Google doesn’t rank it higher, doesn’t support it as much.  Okay? That’s one method.


What’s the second one? The second one is to create a WordPress website.  How do you create that? It’s simple, you need a domain and hosting, and you have to buy them.  It’s not like YouTube, where everything is free. You have to buy a domain and hosting for this.  There are different websites where you can buy a domain and hosting, but I recommend Hostinger. Why do I recommend it? I’ll explain that, too. Okay?  I’ve been working with Hostinger for about two years now, and pretty much all my websites are connected to Hostinger, and I’ve had the best experience with them compared to other websites and if you buy domain and hosting to my Reference link so you get 10% Discount. 


First, let’s buy hosting and a domain.  If you want to create a website and earn from it, Okay?


So, you have to get a domain and hosting from here, then you have to create your website, and then you have to write articles on it.  What kind of articles do you have to write?  You have to catch trending topics. Okay? In the beginning, it’s just like growing on YouTube. You have to write articles.Okay?  Let’s say you’re writing about studies. Okay? You’re teaching mathematics, or you’re writing about anything here.  Let’s say you’re writing about psychology.  Okay?  What is depression, what is anxiety.  You have to write properly about it.  Then you have to write them yourself. You have to try writing yourself. Don’t copy and paste from Google; it’s useless.  Then, once you have 15-20 articles, you can get approval from Google Adsense, and your payment will come through Google Adsense, just like on YouTube.  Google ads will be displayed, and Google payments will come. Okay?  So that’s how you create a website and earn from it. It’s the same as a YouTube channel, just that you have to type by hand here. Okay?  You have to write articles.  Here, you have to upload videos on YouTube.  So, I hope you understood my point on how you can earn through a website, by blogging.  So, this is the whole thing about blogging—we hear about it all the time—you now understand what it is and how you can earn from it.

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